Land Already on the Chopping Block | Fresh Tracks Weekly (Ep. 90)
Fresh Tracks Weekly
This week, we’re discussing how a significant amount of Bureau of Land Management land has already been identified as suitable for disposal and would not require Congressional approval to sell.
There is still much uncertainty about the status of the federal employees who were fired in the last month. A judge did, however, rule that the Office of Personnel Management should rescind the memos that fired certain employees.
The Voluntary Public Access Improvement Act was recently introduced in the U.S. Senate. It would reauthorize and fund the Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program at three times the current rate.
We also cover various state legislation that could impact hunting, fishing, or public land in your state.
Up Next in Fresh Tracks Weekly
If Randy Ran DOGE | Fresh Tracks Week...
This week, we’re discussing the drastic changes we’ve seen over the last month within our federal agencies and how thousands of people have been fired. Randy details his idea of Government Efficiency.
A few news stories are also included.
A Montana bill has been introduced that would take money...
Visiting with Jim Baichtal | Fresh Tr...
In this episode of Fresh Tracks Weekly, Randy and Marcus sit down with Jim Baichtal.
Congress Won't Do Their Job | Fresh T...
This week, we are continuing the series talking about transferring federal land to the states and, in particular, how Congress has the ability to fix a lot of the issues with land management; they just refuse to do so.
Some other news stories include;
Trump’s executive order to pause federal gr...