This week, we’re discussing the drastic changes we’ve seen over the last month within our federal agencies and how thousands of people have been fired. Randy details his idea of Government Efficiency.
A few news stories are also included.
A Montana bill has been introduced that would take money generated from the tax on marijuana that currently goes towards funding wildlife habitats, parks, and non-game wildlife and re-direct it to the general fund and various marijuana addiction and prevention accounts.
Another interesting bill in Montana would allow Fish Wildlife and Parks to compensate landowners for allowing access through their property to hunt inaccessible public land.
In Wyoming, even more elk have been found dead from chronic wasting disease at one of the state-run feed-grounds.
In Colorado, House Bill 25-1133 would prohibit 18 - to 20-year-olds from purchasing ammunition. This follows 2023 legislation prohibiting 18-20-year-olds from purchasing semi-auto rifles and shotguns.
In Alaska, the Governor introduced legislation, Senate Bill 105, that creates opportunities for residents to purchase or lease state land for cabin sites. If you’re watching this video right now. Public testimony is being heard in the Senate Resources Committee right now.
In Kentucky, Senate Bill 89 would change how they define water within the state, abandoning its definition in exchange for the federal definition of navigable waters, which removes protections for wetlands, headwaters, and groundwater.
In Indiana, House Bill 1447 would restrict logging and forest management within particular state forests.
In Washington, House Bill 1775 would phase out and ultimately ban fur farming within the state. That bill narrowly passed out of committee and is moving forward.
Up Next in Fresh Tracks Weekly
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