BULL MOOSE SPOTTED | Alaska Moose & Caribou (EP. 4)
In episode 4 of this DIY Alaska adventure, Marcus Hockett is still holding a moose tag with only a couple days left to fill it. They haven't seen a single moose yet this trip and are hoping to come in clutch in the closing days. Since they haven't seen any, they decide to give Caribou another chance before focusing back on moose.
They continue exploring just trying to cover as much country as possible. While doing so they both glass and call. Utilizing the mobility that the Dalton highway provides, Marcus is able to cover a lot of his unit. Finally, to his own surprise he spots a bull moose.
But spotting a moose and killing a moose are two very different things, especially with a bow. If the moose is legal, this may be Marcus' one and only chance to fill his tag before heading back home to Montana.